Our Curriculum

Personal care and attention is provided to each and every one in aspects of a strong foundation of academics, personality development, cultural enrichment, talent / skill development, increasing intellectual and emotional quotient to getting prepared for a strong career and life ahead.

At the Primary level, teachers plan and design “Curriculum Webs” to ensure every topic in the curriculum is taught in its entirety and is co-related.

In the Secondary classes, innovative methods and activities are developed to transmit the prescribed curriculum. Lessons at all levels are facilitated through an integrated curriculum, supplemented by a variety of co-curricular activities, field trips and class projects.

The children participate in number of inter-school activities such as elocutions, debates, science exhibitions, creative writing and the arts.

We are not limited to textbook learning alone – instead our experiential curriculum provides hands-on learning, teaches macro concepts, encourages free expression and develops creative and critical thinking faculties. We also use cutting-edge technological aids as an integral part of the classroom experience.

Mount Zion Matriculation Higher Secondary School curriculum is hence multifaceted, and includes an array of enrichment programmes. As per the board guidelines, the prime focus of our curriculum is on innovations in teaching-learning methodologies by devising student friendly and student centered paradigms. Our teachers regularly update their pedagogical skills attending service training programmes and workshops.

High school forms the very foundation on which further education and careers are mapped out. Hence, our programmes, courses and resources are devoted to helping our students achieve academic excellence, compete and perform to the best of their ability, plan their futures and connect to the world in meaningful ways. Beyond lesson plans and tests, the syllabus also focuses on empowering students with knowledge, self-awareness and self- confidence. Students learn to analyze how the topic extends beyond the classroom into the outside world. The Interdisciplinary approach dissolves boundaries of subjects encouraging learning across the curriculum amongst our young learners. We develop a plan where the theme encompasses all curricular areas.

The Following groups are offered in the Higher Secondary Programme:

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